
Business Card Printing Statistics

$828.25 Million U.S. Printing Industry revenue from the Business Card market segment 13% Percent of managers who felt they received sufficient training before becoming a manager. 44% reported feeling "unprepared" ...
uspto logo patents statistics

Trademark Filing Statistics

Trademark Filing Statistics Number of Trademark Registrations per Top 5 Countries in 2014 Number Registered China 1,015,124 OHIM – Europe 280,623 United States of America 275,430 Turkey 172,588 Germany 140,928 …

family owned business statistics

Family Owned Business Statistics

Family Owned Business Statistics Data Percent of family owned businesses that remain in the family into the second generation 30 % Percent of family owned businesses that remain in the …


New Business Statistics

Number of new employee firms and closures by year Year New Businesses Closed Businesses Bankruptcies 2014 514,332 e 548,159 e 55,250 e 2013 502,136 e 593,236 e 59,256 e 2012 …