Animal Shelter Statistics

Animal Shelter Statistics Total number of nationwide animal shelters 5,000 Number of companion animals that enter into animal shelters nationwide annually 5 million Average annual number of companion animals that …

ebola virus outbreak death statistics

Ebola Virus Outbreak Statistics

Ebola Virus Outbreak Statistics Data Year Ebola virus was first discovered 1976 Percentage of deaths among all reported Ebola cases 41 % Total amount of money spent battling Ebola $838,000,000 …

alzheimers-disease statisticbrain

Alzheimer’s Disease Statistics

Alzheimer’s Diseaese Statistics Data Number of Americans who are living with Alzheimer’s disease 5,000,000 Percent of assisted living residents with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias 41.8 % Number of nursing …

Human Body Statistics

Average Human Body Measurments Data Men’s Average Height 69.4 inches Men’s Average Weight 194.7 lbs Men’s Average Waist Circumference 39.7 inches Women’s Average Height 63.8 inches Women’s Average Weight 164.7 …

depression statistics

Depression Statistics

Depression Demographic Breakdown Percent Total Percentage who suffer from depression 5.4% Age 12-17 4.3% Age 18-39 4.7% Age 40-49 7.3% 60 and older 4% Female 6.7% Male 4% Mexican American …