long distance relationship statistics

Long Distance Relationship Statistics

Long Distance Relationship Statistics Data Total percentage of U.S. marriages that are considered long distance relationships 2.9% Average amount of time for long distance relationship to break up if it’s …


Boy Scout Statistics

Boy Scout Statistics Data Total number of boy scout members since 1910 126,000,000 Total number of Eagle Scout badges earned 40,029 Total number of individual scouts who earned heroism award …

summer vacation statistics

Summer Vacation Travel Statistics

Summer Vacation Travel Statistics Data Percent of Americans who take a summer vacation 45 % Total number of long distance summer trips made each year between Memorial and Labor day …

gay marriage same sex statistics

Gay Marriage Statistics

Gay Marriage Statistics Data Total percentage of Americans who support allowing marriage for same-sex couples 42% Percent of Americans who oppose gay marriage 37% Percent of Americans who are unsure …

Grandparent Statistics

Justin Bieber Statistics Data Number of grandparents in the U.S. 70,000,000 Percent of U.S. households lead by grandparents 37 % Percent of grandparents who say they can do a better …


Lying Statistics

Lying Statistics Data Percent of adults who admit to telling lies "sometimes" or "often" 12 % Percent of women who admit to occasionally telling harmless half-truths 80 % Percent of …

Mother’s Day Statistics

Mothers Day Statistics Data Total number of moms in the U.S. 85.4 million Total amount of money spent on Mother’s Day Cards annually $671 million Total amount of money that …


Left-Handed Statistics

Left-Handed Statistics Percent Percent of the population who are left-handed 13 % Percent of left-handed people who use both sides of the brain equally 25 % Percent of the top …

pregnant mother demographics

Demographics of Pregnant Mothers

Age of Mother Total White Black American Indian Asian / Pacific Islander Total 4,247,694 3,274,163 670,809 49,537 253,185 Under 15 5,764 3,312 2,245 126 81 15 17,093 11,123 5,313 369 …