Weather Damage Statistics

Weather Damage Statistics Data Average Annual Cost of Weather Damage $23.46 Billion Weather Fatality Statistics Average Deaths Annually Flood 92 Lightning 55 Tornado 56 Hurricane 47 Heat 115 Cold 25 …

Death Penalty Statistics

Death Penalty Statistics

Death Penalty Statistics Data Number of U.S. states with the death penalty 32 Total number of executions since 1976 1,392 Current number of Death Row inmates 3,035 Percent of counties …

holocaust jewish statistics

Holocaust Death Statistics

Country Initial Jewish Population Estimated % Killed Estimated Killed Number of Survivors Poland 3,300,000 91% 3,000,000 300,000 USSR 3,020,000 36% 1,100,000 1,920,000 Hungary 800,000 74% 596,000 204,000 Germany 566,000 36% …

Shark Attack Fatalities

Territory Total Attacks Fatal Attacks Last Fatality USA (Excl. Hawaii) 1055 36 2012 Australia 704 202 2014 Africa 339 93 2013 Asia 129 48 2000 Pacific/Oceania Islands 126 49 2011 …

occupational fatal accidents numbers statistics

Fatal Occupational Injuries 2009

Work Death / Fatality Breakdown Statistics Number Total 4,551 Wage and Salary Workers 3,488 Self Employed 1,063 Deaths by Gender Number Men 4,216 Women 335 Deaths by Event or Exposure …

Annual Death Rate by State

Statistic Verification Source: U.S. Census Bureau Research Date: 7.9.2014 One can only speculate whey a certain state would have a higher death rate than another. Possibly regional diets may play …

Earthquake Statistics

Earthquake Statistics Data Total Number of Earthquakes per year with 8 or Higher Magnitude 1 Total Number of Earthquakes per year with magnitude between 7-7.9 18 Total Number of Earthquakes …