kidnapping abduction statistics

Kidnapping Statistics

Child Kidnapping Statistics Data Number of children abducted or that go missing every day in the United States 2,160 Percent of children who go missing that do eventually come home …

Prostitution Statistics

Statistic Data Estimated number of prostitutes in the world 42,000,000 Average annual income of a U.S. prostitute $215,000 Number of countries that prostitution is completely legal and regulated 22 Percent …

tax cheating statistics

Tax Cheating Statistics

Tax Cheating Statistics Data Estimated number of people who cheat on their taxes each year 1,625,000 Amount lost annually by the U.S. Treasury due to unreported income $270,000,000,000 Number of …

fbi dna testing statistics

DNA Testing Exoneration Statistics

DNA Testing and Convict Exoneration Statistics Data Total number of U.S. exonerations since 2000 using DNA testing 278 Number of death row inmates that have been exonerated using DNA testing …

cyberbullying school bully statistics

Cyberbullying / Bullying Statistics

Cyber Bullying Statistics Data Percent of students who reported being cyber bullied 52 % Teens who have experienced cyberthreats online 33 % Teens who have been bullied repeatedly through their …

war on drug statistics

War on Drugs Statistics

U.S. War on Drugs Statistics Data Annual U.S. spending on the war on Drugs $51 Billion Number of people arrested annually on nonviolent drug charges 1.53 million Number of people …

Online Computer Virus Statistics

Online Computer Virus Statistics

Top 20 Malicious Programs on the Internet   Name Number of attacks % of all attacks 1 Malicious URL 712,999,644 75.01% 2 Trojan.Script.Iframer 35,522,262 3.67% 3 Exploit.Script.Generic 17,176,066 1.81% 4 …

Number of U.S. Deportations by Year

Year Total Number Deported 2014 414,481 2013 438,421 2012 415,362 2011 368,712 2010 400,000 2009 387,000 2008 358,000 2007 318,000 2006 280,000 2005 245,000 2004 240,000 2003 210,000 2002 165,000 …

Death Penalty Statistics

Death Penalty Statistics

Death Penalty Statistics Data Number of U.S. states with the death penalty 32 Total number of executions since 1976 1,392 Current number of Death Row inmates 3,035 Percent of counties …