high school sex abstinence

Abstinence Statistics

Abstinence Statistics Data Percent of Americans who wait until marriage to have sex 3 % Percent of Americans who waited until marriage to have sex in 1950 11 % Percent …

pregnant mother demographics

Premature Birth Statistics

Premature Birth Statistics Data Percent of U.S. born babies that are premature 12.8 % Annual number of U.S. born babies that are premature 500,000 Premature birth increase rate since 1980 …


Rabies Virus Statistics

Rabies Virus Statistics Data Annual number of deaths due to rabies worldwide 55,000 Annual number of deaths due to rabies in the U.S. 2 Number of people in the U.S. …

Masturbation Statistics

Statistic Data Percent of Men who admit to masturbating 95 % Percent of Women who admit to masturbating 89 % Percent of Married Men who admit to masturbating 70 % …

marriage couples counseling statistics

Marriage Counseling Statistics

Marriage Counseling Statistics Data Percent of couples who believe they are "better off" after attending marriage counseling 75 % Percent of couples who reported "significant" improvement after attending marriage counseling …

miscarriage statistics

Miscarriage Statistics

Miscarriage Statistics Data Number of miscarriages in the U.S. annually 600,000 Percent of miscarriages that occur before 12 weeks 80 % Overall miscarriage risk 17~22% Risk after gestational sac is …

occupational fatal accidents numbers statistics

Fatal Occupational Injuries

Work Death / Fatality Breakdown Statistics Number Total 4,679 Wage and Salary Workers (Private Sector) 3,204 Self Employed 1,047 Government Workers 428 Deaths by Event or Exposure Number Transportation Accidents …

adult crying statistics

Crying Statistics

Adult Crying Statistics Data Average number of times a woman cries each month 5.3 times Average number of times a man cries each month 1.3 time Percent who reported feeling …

xanax addiction abuse statistics

Xanax Addiction Statistics

Xanax Abuse Statistics Data Number of Xanax prescriptions written in 2015 39,250,000 Number of Xanax prescriptions written in 2002 29,900,000 Annual number of ER visits due to Xanax abuse 125,000 …