planet earth statistics

Earth Statistics

Earth Statistics Data Total Earth Mass 6.5e21 tongs Maximum Distance from Sun 94.5 million miles Tilt of Axis 23 degrees 27” Minimum Distance from Sun 91 million miles Total Diameter …

drought disaster statistics

Drought Disaster Statistics

Drought Disaster Statistics From 1980 – 2014 Data Number of major drought events 419 Number of people killed by the effects of drought (1980 – 2014) 658,565 Average people killed …

continent statistics

Global Continent Statistics

Rank Largest Continents By Land Mass Size Size : Sq km 1 Asia 44,579,000 2 Africa 30,065,000 3 North America 24,256,000 4 South America 17,819,000 5 Antarctica 13,209,000 6 Europe …

tornado statistics

Tornado Statistics

U.S. Tornado Disaster Statistics Data Average number of tornado events each year 1,179 Number of people killed 4,795 Average number of people killed per year in a tornado 227 Average …

match and lighter fire statistics

Home Fire Statistics

Undocumented Student Statistics Data Average number of residential home fires each year 374,000 Average number of deaths each year from home fires 2,600 Average number of injuries due to home …

volcano eruption disaster statistics death

Volcano Disaster Statistics

Volcano Disaster Statistics Data (1980-2016) Average number of volcanic eruptions per year 35 No of people killed by volcanos since 1980 27,433 Average number of people killed per year by …

Magnetic North Shifting Statistics

Magnetic Shifting Statistics Data Miles the magnetic north shifts towards Russia each year 40 Miles Average number of times the polarity reverses 12 million years 51 Average time span of …

pakistan country statistics

Pakistan Country Statistics

Pakistan Country Statistics Data Total population 191,165,000 Gross Domestic Product GDP $573,652,000,000 Gross National Income Per Capita GNI $1,410 Total land area 356,667 sq. mi Population density 489.3 per sq. …

france country statistics

France Country Statistics

France Statistics Data Total population of France 65,350,000 Total percentage of France living below poverty line 6.2% Average number of children per woman 2 Total percentage of population that are …

africa continent statistics

Africa Continent Statistics

Africa Statistics Data Total population of Africa 1,111,000,000 Total Gross Domestic Product for Africa $1.09 billion Average life expectancy of an African at birth 53.8 years Infant mortality rate of …