Google Annual Search Statistics

Year Annual Number of Google Searches Average Searches Per Day 2016 3,293,250,000,000 9,022,000,000 2015 2,834,650,000,000 7,766,000,000 2014 2,095,100,000,000 5,740,000,000 2013 2,161,530,000,000 5,922,000,000 2012 1,873,910,000,000 5,134,000,000 2011 1,722,071,000,000 4,717,000,000

myspace statistics

MySpace Statistics

MySpace Statistics Data Myspace revenue in 2014 $119,000,000 Current Myspace website traffic rank 1,579 Average number of Myspace monthly visitors 32,150,000 Total number of Myspace active users 50,600,000 Total number …

Fandango Company Statistics

Fandango Statistics Total number of movie screens Fandango sells for 15,500 Number of Fandango page views annually 39,000,000 Number of theaters Fandango sells tickets for 1,450 Number of Fandango app …

netflix company statistics

Netflix Company Statistics

Netflix Statistics Data Total number of Netflix subscribers 81,500,000 Total annual Netflix revenue $5,504,000,000 Number of hours spent by Netflix members watching streamed video on hi-speed internet 2 billion hours …

Internet Company Acquisition Statistics

  Website Acquired By Purchase Price Acquisition Date 1 Skype Microsoft $8,500,000,000 June, 2011 2 Aquantive Microsoft $6,333,000,000 13-Aug-2007 3 Broadcast Yahoo! $5,700,000,000 1-Apr-1999 4 Geocities Yahoo! $3,600,000,000 28-May-1999 5 …

Craigslist Statistics

Craigslist Statistics Total number of local Craigslist sites 700 Number of countries that have a local Craigslist site 70 Number of Craigslist daily queries worldwide 50,000,000 Total percentage of all …

snapchat company logo statisticbrain

Snapchat Company Statistics

Snapchat Company Profile Statistics Data Total number of Snapchat users 115,000,000 Number of new Snapchat users added each month 10,000,000 Percent of 18-34 year olds in the U.S. that have …

tumblr company statistics

Tumblr Company Statistics

Tumblr Statistics Data Total number of Tumblr users 425,000,000 Total number of Tumblr blogs 219,000,000 Annual Tumblr Revenue $85,000,000 Average number of new Tumblr users added daily 120,000 Total number …

ebay company website statistics

eBay Company Statistics

eBay Company Financial Statistics Data eBay’s total annual revenue $17,900,000,000 eBay’s total U.S. annual revenue $8,495,000,000 Total number of active eBay buyers 157,300,000 Total number of active eBay buyers in …