in-app purchase statistics

In-App Purchase Revenue Statistics

Annual In-App Purchase Revenue Total Revenue 2017 *Projected $36,887,000,000 2016 $23,771,000,000 2015 $14,001,000,000 2014 $7,856,000,000 2013 $4,591,000,000 2012 $2,111,000,000 2011 $712,000,000 Percent of smartphone users who have made an in-app …

whatsapp messaging statistics

WhatsApp Statistics

WhatsApp Statistics Data WhatsApp Messenger annual revenue in the Apple App Store in the U.S. $ 455,000 WhatsApp Messenger revenue in Google Play stoer in the U.S. $ 72,000 Share …

pinterest company statistics

Pinterest Company Statistics

Pinterest Company Statistics Data Total number of Pinterest users 73,500,000 Number of daily visitors 1,360,000 Percent of Pinterest visitors that are mobile only 35 % Number of Pinterest business accounts …

uber company statistics

Uber Company Statistics

Uber Ride Sharing Company Statistics Data Uber annual revenue $1,750,000,000 Number of Uber users 8,100,000 Number of Uber drivers 160,000 Median U.S. Uber driver annual income including tips $17,793 Median …

Square Inc. Company Statistics

Square’s Payment Volume (Cumulative) Total Processed June 2015 $123,000,000,000 June 2014 $57,000,000,000 Sept 2013 $21,000,000,000 Nov 2012 $10,000,000,000 Sept 2012 $8,000,000,000 June 2012 $6,000,000,000 April 2012 $5,000,000,000 March 2012 $4,000,000,000 …